Wiggle’s Revenge trophy is our traveling trophy dash award for Colorado Legion Riders. ALRs are encouraged to participate in Wiggles Revenge Events for a chance to win the trophy and host the next event.

Our Next Trophy Dash Event is hosted by ALRs 65 (Delta) and 73 (Montrose) in Montrose Colorado 30,31 May. This is going to be an AWESOME Event. Meals, a T-Shirt, a Walking Dice run and a Black Canyon Dice ride included. For details and registration, click HERE.

Colorado ALR Official Trophy Dash Rules
- Every Colorado ALR program is eligible to participate and coordination will be managed bythe ALR State Committee,
- The trophy is a traveling trophy and the Post in possession of it should display it proudly attheir Post or place of meeting,
- Trophy Steal Events will be held between 1May and 31October. Which ever Group possesses the trophy on 31October will keep it until1May the following year when a new event will be planned. Groups who come to the events must be present at the time of the announced card drawing time. The card draw will be exactly 1hour after the start of the event.
- The Group entitled to claim the Trophy will be decided by a high card drawing, High card wins and aces are high, HOST Group must notify State via phone, text, or email ASAP. WINNING Group has up to 2 weeks to plan and execute the next Trophy Dash event. If no Group comes to claim the trophy then the host Group keeps it another 2 weeks to plan and execute another trophy event. This will continue until the trophy is claimed by another Group.• Card Draw Rules;
- ALR’s with a current voting membership of 100 or more: 10 or more ALR members and at least 8 bikes are required to be at the Trophy Steal Event in order to draw one card for their group. Cars with ALR members will not be counted.\
- ALR’s with a current voting membership of 50-99 members: 5 or more ALR members and at least 4 bikes are required to be at the Trophy Steal Event in order to draw one card for their group. Cars with ALR members will not be counted.
- ALR’s with a current voting membership of 5-49 members: 3 or more ALR members and at least 3 bikes are required to be at the Trophy Steal event in order to draw one card for their group, Cars with ALR members will not be counted.
- Each eligible Group gets an extra card for every 50 miles they have traveled from their home Post or meeting place as determined by Google Maps.
- Example 1: Post A has the trophy; it is a 48 mile ride from your Post to Post A; you can only draw one card.
- Example 2: Post A has the trophy; it is a 50.1mite ride from your Post to Post A; you can draw two cards.
- Example 3: Post A has the trophy; it is a 100.1 mile ride from your Post to Post A; you can draw three cards,
- Distance is counted from your home Post to the Post which has the trophy, as determined by Google Maps.
- The right to draw additional cards because of distance only applies to the initial round of drawing. In the event of a tie, each group each group will only draw one card until a winner is achieved.