***Mark you calendars now for the 8th annual Colorado ROMP September 5-6 2025!!***

We are going back to Buena Vista 6-7 September 2024. We will post more details here once we get a plan in place. The plan, schedule and format will be similar to the 2023 event
- Lunch enroute for donation – Hosted by ALR172 @ Post 172 Fairplay, CO
- ROMP Check-in/T-shirt issue is Friday night starting at 5pm Friday 8 September location TBD
- Walking dice run on Main Street.
- Late check-in is 8:00-8:30 with breakfast at 8:30am Saturday morning.
- The Saturday Dice Run Safety Brief and 9/11 commemoration will be at 9:30am followed by a 10am KSU/Departure.
- The dice run route for 2024 is TBD and will post here once the plan is solidified.
- The bike rodeo, social gathering
- Bike Rodeo begins after Last Bike in @ 4pm. There will be trophies for the winner in the events – tentatively slalom, two-up slalom, trike slalom, slow-drag and weenie bite.
2023 ROMP was AWESOME!!!
The 2023 ROMP was planned and organized by District and Post ALR member volunteers. ALR209 graciously processed the registration and T-Shirt funds as well as processing the T-Shirt orders for the event.
As planned, we did not conduct any fundraising during the ROMP. ALRs were encouraged to bring donations to Combat Hero Bike Build (https://www.combatherobikebuild.org/). Post ALR programs knocked it out of the park!!! We almost doubled our previous ROMP donations, with $5321.03 coming in and another $125 donated by winners of ROMP events. All of the funds were designated for the build for Bobby Henline. Combat Hero Bike Build is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to serve our severely wounded combat veterans. It is a program designed by warriors, for warriors, to give our wounded heroes the freedoms they once enjoyed.
Some pics from the 2024 Event – send your pics to coloradolegionriders@gmail.com to have them uploaded here!

Here are some pics from the 2023 event – send your pics to coloradolegionriders@gmail.com to have them uploaded here!

2022 ROMP
Our 5th annual Colorado American Legion Rider Ride on Military Pride (ROMP) was AWESOME!!! From the Friday night Bobby Henline Comedy Show, to the Breakfast and 9-11 remembrance at American Legion Post 55 Saturday morning, to the ride through the Colorado Mountains, to the Bike Rodeo and dinner at VFW Post 1166, this was a super fun and very memorable weekend.
This annual event is a chance for riders to relax and enjoy the accomplishments they’ve achieved this year. This is a fun weekend event to celebrate all the hard work delivering on American Legion Programs throughout the year.
Any and All proceeds above expenses from the 2022 ROMP went to Combat Hero Bike Build https://www.combatherobikebuild.org/ (75%) and Forging Forward https://forgingforward.org/ (25%). Both of these 501(c)(3) non-profits provide invaluable services and support to our nation’s Veterans.