The American Legion and Scouting have sustained a partnership in promoting good citizenship and Americanism for over a century. That partnership was formed at the first American Legion in 1919 and continues to grow.
In Colorado, American Legion Post families charter over 40 units across the state. Posts, Units or Squadrons interested in chartering a unit can contact the Colorado American Legion Scouting Chair at coloradolegionscouting@gmail.com for more information as assistance with contacting your local council.
The following links contain useful information for current and prospective American Legion charter partners in Colorado:
- Colorado Legion Scouting Information
- Charter Organization Resources
- American Legion Scouting Unit Data
Learn more about the American Legion and Scouting at: https://www.legion.org/scouting
Eagle Scout of the Year and Square Knot Award Information

American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarship Program
The American Legion annually honors the Eagle Scout of the Year at the national convention. The winner of the national competition receives a $10,000 scholarship, and the three runners-up are each awarded $2,500 scholarships. The Department of Colorado submits the package of one Eagle Scout from Colorado for this national competition. The Colorado selectee and runners up are recognized at the annual Department of Colorado convention in June.
The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year nomination window is from November 1st to March 1st, annually. Nomination packets must be received by each applicant’s respective American Legion department (state) headquarters no later than March 1st. Then each respective American Legion Department (state) Selection Committee will determine the Eagle Scout judged to be the best in their department (state). Then the department will send that packet, along with a list of the members serving on that Selection Committee, to The American Legion National Headquarters no later than April 1st.
The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year will receive a $10,000 scholarship. Three runner-up scholarship awards will be granted in the amount of $2,500 each. The scholarship recipients will be eligible to receive their scholarship immediately upon graduation from high school (public, parochial, military, private, or home school) and must utilize the total award within four (4) years of their graduation date, excluding active military duty or religious mission. Additionally, the American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year will travel to join the Youth Champion Delegation of The American Legion that is honored each August at the annual National Convention of The American Legion.
The submission instructions are posted below. Applicants having questions or seeking additional information about their application or the application process should contact the American Legion Department of Colorado Scouting Chair at coloradolegionscouting@gmail.com
The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year application for the 2024 year can be found at: Eagle Scout of the Year Nomination Form
Instructions for the Department of Colorado package submissions are on this link: Colorado Eagle Scout of the Year Submission Instructions

American Legion Square Knot Award for Adult Scouters
Download the brochure and submission instructions below. This award is designed to recognize adult leaders who are American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion members who are actively involved in the Scouting program. The award includes a gold and purple square knot, which may be worn on the Scout uniform. A certificate and congratulatory letter from the national commander of The American Legion are also included as recognition for the award. To be considered for The American Legion Square Knot, it is expected that American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion members will work to provide the maximum impact of The American Legion’s support of the Scouting program and to achieve maximum visibility.
The brochure submission instructions are posted below. Individuals compiling a package for submission that have questions or are seeking additional information should contact the American Legion Department of Colorado Scouting Chair at coloradolegionscouting@gmail.com
The brochure for the Square Knot Award can be downloaded at this Link
Instructions for the Department of Colorado package submissions are at this Link