The requirements for regular membership in the American Legion Riders of Colorado shall maintain alignment with national resolution, Department of Colorado Constitution and By-Laws and Colorado State law, specifically;
– All members of the ALR shall be current members of The American Legion, Sons of The American Legion or American Legion Auxiliary.
– Each ALR member shall establish and maintain ALR membership by owning, individually or through marriage, a common-law marriage, a life partnership or a long-term relationship, a motorcycle licensed and insured as required by the ALR member’s state laws. Motorcycle operators must maintain a motorcycle endorsement consistent with the laws and requirements of the state of Colorado.
Contact your local post to see if they have an American Legion Riders (ALR) program. If they do not, inquire which posts in your area have an ALR program. You can also contact an area coordinator using contact information contained in the Colorado ALR Committee page to get a pointer to a program near you. If your Post has an ALR, you must join that ALR. If your post does not have an ALR program, you may join another ALR while remaining a member of that Post.